Privacy Policy

Cooking Ryokan Hamosomoya (hereinafter referred to as "our company") may acquire your personal information and possess or temporarily hold your personal information in order to smoothly conduct our business and provide better service I will.
As a business entity handling personal information, we believe that protecting is an important obligation of our company and in order to respond to customers' trust in our company, we treat customer's personal information acquired and possessed by the Company as follows I will.

1.Personal information

Based on the personal information protection policy, our company pays close attention to personal information and we will protect and manage with maximum effort.
Personal information specified by our company refers to information entered in "Inquiry Form" "Trial Application Form" and other information provided by the Company by the customer.

2.On proper use of personal information

Upon acquisition of personal information, we will notify or disclose to the principal the purpose of use, and will handle personal information according to its purpose of use.

3.3. About non-disclosure of personal information to third parties

We will not disclose or disclose personal information you provide to third parties except in the following cases.

· In case you got your consent

· When providing and disclosing to the Company's subsidiaries, agents and subcontractors to the extent necessary for achieving the purpose of use notified or announced to the principal when acquiring personal information

4.Four. About the safety management of personal information

In order to prevent the loss, tampering, leakage of personal information held by us, we strive to keep personal information accurate and take appropriate safety control measures to prevent leakage, loss or damage of personal information I will.

5.Five. About supervision of employees

We will conduct necessary and appropriate supervision of our officers and employees so that our officers and employees understand the importance of personal information and handle it appropriately.

6.About compliance with laws and regulations related to personal information

We will comply with laws concerning the handling of personal information, guidelines established by the country and other norms.

7.Ongoing Continuous Improvement of Personal Information Protection Initiatives

In order to implement this policy, the Company shall thoroughly inform the executives and employees of the Company about the appropriate handling of personal information by establishing internal regulations concerning personal information protection, etc., and audit the implementation status at the appropriate time etc. , We will strive for continuous improvement.

8.About inquiries about personal information

Please contact us for any inquiries regarding our privacy policy.


Cooking Ryokan Hashimoto-ya

特にカジノプレイヤーに人気の小規模ホテルならではのコロナウイルス対策を実施しております。 はしもとやをご利用いただく前に、オンラインカジノで儲けるメリットを知っていただきたいと思います。 橋本さんの予約からそのまま出金が早いカジノで遊べる素敵な旅になりますように。
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